
About Us

Southwest Behavioral Health Center (SBHC), created in 1986, is a public provider of comprehensive, integrated mental health and addiction services, offering outpatient, residential, school-based, and community-based programs and services to individuals and families in the five Southwest counties of Utah. Created by the county commissions of Washington, Kane, Garfield, Beaver and Iron Counties, Southwest Behavioral Health Center is proud to be a member of a strong human service delivery system, building strong communities while helping to address the challenges experienced by individuals, families and our communities as a whole. In addition to serving the public in general, and as the behavioral health provider for most Medicaid recipients, Southwest also serves as the safety net for those individuals with little or no resources.

Michael H. Deal, MPA
Executive Director

Southwest’s professional, experienced staff includes physicians, clinical social workers, clinical psychologists, specialized adult and youth day treatment staff, residential service staff, prevention and education specialists, as well as a cadre of clerical and administrative staff.

In accordance with provisions of Utah State law (UCA 17-43), the elected county commissioners of Beaver, Garfield, Iron, Kane, and Washington counties have established a behavioral health authority board, comprised of county commissioners from each of these counties. This Authority Board governs the operation of Southwest Behavioral Health Center. The Center is a political subdivision of the State of Utah and is supported, in part, by County, State and Federal dollars.

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